Central Kristian Ṭhalai Pawl
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Rawngbawl Tura Chhandam
Ephesi 2:10

About Central KTP

The Christian Youth Fellowship is the youth wing of the Mizoram Presbyterian Church from its inception, the Christian Youth Fellowship Officially known as ‘KṬP’, an abbreviation for ‘KRISTIAN ṬHALAI PAWL’, has been a platform to strengthen the youth, nurturing youths for future leadership roles and pooling together talents. It has enabled and helped its members to be closer to each other and to respect and express concern for each other. The KṬP has been coordinating the youth works of different Districts and Branches and promoting closer ties to each other.

The main function of the Central KṬP is to act as the body, which oversees the various activities of all districts and branches of the KṬP spread out not only all over the state but also outside Mizoram. It ensures that all districts and branches work in cohesion. Existence KṬP was formed on February 16, 1954, under the leadership of Rev. O.W. Owen (a missionary) working in Mizoram.

Saved to Serve ( Ephesians 2:10)


Leading youth to faith in Jesus Christ and Himself

Preparing the youth to be the pillar of the Church.

Fulfilling the work of the church

Preaching the gospel of Christ